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02. Relations

$\gdef \N{\mathbb{N}} \gdef \Z{\mathbb{Z}} \gdef \Q{\mathbb{Q}} \gdef \R{\mathbb{R}} \gdef \C{\mathbb{C}} \gdef \setcomp#1{\overline{#1}} \gdef \sseq{\subseteq} \gdef \pset#1{\mathcal{P}(#1)} \gdef \covariant{\operatorname{Cov}} \gdef \of{\circ} \gdef \p{^{\prime}} \gdef \pp{^{\prime\prime}} \gdef \ppp{^{\prime\prime\prime}} \gdef \pn#1{^{\prime\times{#1}}} $

Jan 7


Intuitively, a relation is a way of “comparing” two elements

  1. \(<\), \(>\), \(=\), \(\leq\), \(\geq\), among numbers
  2. \(A=\) set of people, \(B=\) set of cities
    • We can define a relation to hold between person \(a\in A\) and city \(b\in B\) if \(a\) lives in \(b\).
  3. \(A=\) set of people
    • We can define a relation to hold between person \(a_1\in A\) and person \(a_2\in A\) if they share a family connection.

Formal Definition:
Let \(A,B\) be sets. A relation \(R\) from \(A\) to \(B\) is a subset of \(A\times B\).

Yeah, that’s it. The relation doesn’t have to be anything meaningful. It’s just a subset of the Cartesian product of the two sets.

Examples of Relations

\(A=\set{1,2}\), \(B=\set{1, 2, 3}\)

  1. “less than” relation: \(R=\set{(1,2), (1,3), (2,3)}\)
  2. “greater than” relation: \(R=\set{(2,1), (3,1), (3,2)}\)
  3. “arbitrary” relation: \(R=\set{(1,1), (1,3), (2,1)}\)

A relation \(R\) from \(A\) to itself (i.e. \(R\sseq A\times A\)) is called a relation on \(A\).

For example, see the third example in the intuitive definition above.

Simple Relations
  • Empty relation: \(R=\phi\)
  • No pairs satisfy the relation
  • E.g, \(R\in\N\times\N,\ (a,b)\in R\) iff \(a=-b\)
  • \(R=\phi\) because there are no negative numbers in \(\N\)
  • Complete relation: \(R=A\times B\)
  • Every pair satisfies the relation
  • E.g, \(A=\set{1,2,3}\), \(B=\set{4,5,6}\), \(R=\) “less than”
  • \(R=A\times B\) because every element of \(A\) is less than every element of \(B\)

The usual set operations can be applied to relations, e.g. union, intersection, complement, etc. since relations are just sets.

Inverse Relations

Let \(R\) be a relation from \(A\) to \(B\). The inverse relation of \(R\) (denoted \(R^{-1}\)) is the relation from \(B\) to \(A\) defined by \(R^{-1}=\set{(b,a)\mid(a,b)\in R}\).

Examples of Inverse Relations

\(A=\set{1,2}\), \(B=\set{1, 2, 3}\) \(R=\) “less than” = \(\set{(1,2), (1,3), (2,3)}\)

\(R^{-1}=\) “greater than” = \(\set{(2,1), (3,1), (3,2)}\)

Note that we just swapped the order of the elements in each pair.

Composition of Relations

Suppose \(R_1 \sseq A\times B\) and \(R_2 \sseq B\times C\) are relations.

The composition of \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) (denoted \(R_1\of R_2\)) is the relation from \(A\) to \(C\) defined by \(R_1\of R_2=\set{(a,c)\mid\exists b\in B\text{ s.t. }(a,b)\in R_1\text{ and }(b,c)\in R_2}\).

Compositions explained in English

A composition of relations \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) is a new relation \(R_1\of R_2\) that contains all pairs \((a,c)\) where there exists some \(b\) such that \((a,\boldsymbol{b})\in R_1\) and \((\boldsymbol{b},c)\in R_2\).

Examples of common composed relations

\(A,B,C\) are sets of people
\(R_1\sseq A\times B\) is relation “is a brother of” (i.e. \((a,b)\in R_1\) iff \(a\) is a brother of \(b\))
\(R_2\sseq B\times C\) is relation “is a parent of” (i.e. \((b,c)\in R_2\) iff \(b\) is a parent of \(c\))

\(R_1\of R_2\) is relation “is an uncle of” (i.e. \((a,c)\in R_1\of R_2\) iff \(a\) is an uncle of \(c\))

Notation: \(R^2=R\of R\), \(R^3=R\of R\of R\), etc.

Properties of Relations

  • Associative: \((R_1\of R_2)\of R_3=R_1\of(R_2\of R_3)\)

Equivalence Relations


Let \(A\) be any set. A partition \(P\) of \(A\) is a set of subsets of \(A\):

such that two conditions are met:

  1. For all \(i\not=j:A_i\cap A_j=\phi\)
    • Subsets in \(P\) are disjoint
  2. \(\cup_i^nA_i=A\)
    • Every element of \(A\) is in some subset of the partition

Example of a partition

Let \(A=\set{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}\)
Let \(A_1=\set{2,5}\)
Let \(A_2=\set{1,3,6}\)
Let \(A_3=\set{7}\)
Let \(A_4=\set{4}\)

Then the partition \(P\) of \(A\) looks like this:

Excalidraw Excalidraw

Equivalence Relations

Given a partition \(P\) of \(A\), define a relation \(R\) as follows:
\((a,b)\in R\) whenever \(a,b\) belong to the same subset in the partition \(P\).

In our above example, \((1,6)\in R\), \((1,2)\in R\), \((7,7)\in R\), \((7,6)\not\in R\).

Example of an Equivalence Relation

Let \(A=\set{1,2,3,4}\)
Let the partition be defined as specified in this diagram:
Excalidraw Excalidraw

Then, \(R=\set{(1,3),(3,1),(2,2),(4,4),(1,1),(3,3)}\)

\(R\) is called an equivalence relation, and we say that \(R\) is induced by the partition \(P\).

Any relation \(R\) on \(A\) is:

  • Reflexive
    • Every \(a\in A\) belongs to the same “cell” as itself
  • Symmetric
    • If \(a\) is in \(b\)’s cell, then \(b\) is in \(a\)’s cell
  • Transitive
    • If \(a\) is in \(b\)’s cell, and \(b\) is in \(c\)’s cell, then \(a\) is in \(c\)’s cell
Equivalence Relation Theorem

Any relation \(R\) on \(A\) which is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive is an equivalence relation (induced by some partition of \(A\)).

I.e., we can “work backwards” from a relation satisfying these three properties to find the partition which induced it.

Example of the Equivalence Relation Theorem

\(R\subseteq \Z\times\Z\)
\(R=\set{(a,b)\mid a-b \mod 5=0}\)
\((3,-2)\in R, (5,0)\in R, (-7,3)\in R, (3,13)\in R\)
\((1,2)\not\in R, (4,0)\not\in R, (2,-7)\not\in R, (8,8)\in R\)

Claim: \(R\) is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.


  1. \(\forall n\in\Z,n-n=0=0\cdot5\); hence \((n,n)\in R\)
  2. If \(a-b=5k\) then \(b-a=-5k=5\cdot(-k)\)
    • If \((a,b)\in R\) then \((b,a)\in R\)
  3. If \(a-b=5k\) and \(b-c=5l\), then \(a-c=(a-b)+(b-c)=5k+5l=5(k+l)\Rightarrow(a,c)\in R\)

Therefore, \(R\) is an equivalence relation.

Equivalence Classes

The cells of a partition (which induces \(R\)) are called the equivalence classes of \(R\).

For each \(a\in A\), \([a]\) means the equivalence class of \(a\).
E.g., in the last example, \([3]=[-12]\) (because they are both two less than multiples of 5)

The set of all equivalence classes of \(A\) in the relation \(R\) is denoted \(A/R\) (“\(A\) modulo \(R\)”) and is called the quotient set of \(R\).

In the last example, \(A/R=\set{[0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]}\)

Example of Quotient Sets

\(A=\) set of people
\(R\) is a relation on \(A\): \((a,b)\in R\) when \(a,b\) share last names.

It’s easy to see that \(R\) is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, and hence is an equivalence relation.

It’s also easy to see that each equivalence class corresponds to a family name.

The quotient set \(A/R\) is the set of all last names.

Jan 14

Order Relations

An order relation generalizes the familiar “orders” like ≤ or ≥ on sets of numbers.

Formally, a relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is an order relation if it has three properties:

Properties of Order Relations
  1. \(R\) is reflexive
  2. \(R\) is transitive
  3. \(R\) is antisymmetric
    • i.e., if \((a,b)\in R\) and \((b,a)\in R\), then \(a=b\)
    • \(R\) cannot hold between different elements in both directions
    • Note that this is not the same as being asymmetric
    • Formally, \(R\) is antisymmetric iff \(R\cap R^{-1}\subseteq I_A\)

If \(R\) is an order relation, then we use the notation

in place of using \(aRb\) or \((a,b)\in R\).

Examples of order relations

  1. \(\leq,\geq\) on sets of numbers
  2. Lexicographic order of points on an \(\R^n\) plane
    • Order by first point, if those are equal, order by the next point, etc…
  3. Let \(A\) be any set and define the relation \(R\) on \(\pset A\) by:
    \(A_1\ R\ A_2\) iff \(A_1\sseq A_2\).
  4. Let \(A=\N\).
    Define \(R\) on \(A\) as: \((a,b)\in R\) if \(a|b\) (\(a\) divides \(b\)).

An order relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is a total order if, for every \(a_1,a_2\in A\), either \(a_1\leq_Ra_2\) or \(a_2\leq_Ra_1\) (or both, if \(a=b\)).
Otherwise, \(R\) is called a partial order.

Examples 1 and 2 above are examples of total orders, and examples 3 and 4 above are partial orders.

Hasse Diagrams

A partial order \(R\) on a set \(A\) can be illustrated using a Hasse diagram.

For example, \(A={n|1≤n≤20}\), and \(R\) is the divisibility relation (example 3 from above)

Excalidraw Excalidraw

Property of Hasse Diagrams

We can get from \(a_1\) to \(a_2\) by moving up edges iff then \(a_1\leq_Ra_2\)

Rules of HD
  1. All minimal elements go on the bottom.
    • (\(a_1 \in A\) is minimal if there does \(\not\exists b\in A\) s.t. \(b\leq_Ra\))
    • If there is a single minimum element \(a\), then \(a\) is called a minimum in \(R\).
    • In the above example, \(1\) is a minimum.
      • If we delete \(1\) from \(A\), then \(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19\) are all minimal elements, but there is no minimum.
  2. An edge exists from \(a_1\) “goes up” to \(a_2\) if:
    1. \(a_1 \not= a_2\)
    2. \(a_1\leq_Ra_2\)
    3. \(\not\exists b\in A\) s.t. \(a_1\leq_Rb\) and \(b\leq_Ra_2\)
      - Under these conditions, we call \(a_2\) a successor element of \(a_1\).
      • E.g., in our example, \(4,6,10,14\) are successors of \(2\).
      • \(a_1\) is called a predecessor of \(a_2\).
      • An element can have multiple predecessors and/or successors.
      • An element with no successors is called maximal
      • E.g., in our example, \(16,12,18,15,20,14,11,13,17,19\) are maximal.
      • If only one element is maximal, then it is called a maximum of \(R\).
        • Excalidraw Excalidraw

The Hasse Diagram of a total order looks like a straight line:
Excalidraw Excalidraw