Hi! Thanks for checking out my notes. This is a project that I’ve poured many hours into, and I’m very proud to share my notes with you from all of my classes at Machon Lev. Please note that the latest folders are still a work in progress. They are not complete, and are updated in per-lecture installments.
Safari Users
Please note that Safari does not display \(\text{math expressions}\) properly. If some words in the previous sentence look bumpy or wavy, you are likely affected by this issue. Unfortunately, this is beyond my control, and I recommend switching to another browser if it causes the notes to become unreadable. This is not something I intend to fix or do any more research on.
If there are any mistakes in my notes, please let me know, or click the edit button next to the header on the relevant page, and fix it yourself. (Of course, I would much prefer you do this.)
Formatting Stuff
I recently switched the way I publish my notes, from a really janky system to a not-as-janky system. During the switch, it’s likely that I may have missed some formatting issues. If you find any (including broken image links or sketches not switching between light and dark mode), please let me know by opening an issue or submitting a pull request. Thanks!
Best of luck with your studies!